Popoldne kratkih družabnih iger

Popoldne kratkih družabnih iger 2019-03-06T00:00:00+02:00
Mladinski center Kotlovnica, Fužine 10, Kamnik
Popoldne kratkih družabnih iger
21. 3. 2019
18:00 – 21:00
MC Kotlovnica
Fužine 10, Kamnik
Kamnik 1241
Vstop prost.

Na voljo bo več krajših družabnih iger z ne tako kratkimi opisi.






Sodelovalna igra s kartami vsebuje karte s številkami od 1 do 100, igralci pa poskušajo dokončati do 12 ravni. Na 1 ravni vsak igralec dobi eno karto, na 2 ravni dve, na 3 ravni tri ... Igralci morajo na vsaki ravni te karte zbrati na sredini mize na enem kupu v pravilnem vrstnem redu, a pri tem ne smejo komunicirati med seboj. Enostavno si zrejo v oči in začutijo, kdaj je pravi čas, da igrajo z najnižjo karto, ki jo imajo v roki in je ostali igralci ne vidijo. Ko igralec igra s svojo najnižjo karto, se lahko zgodita dve stvari: če nihče drug v roki ne drži nižje karte od igrane karte, se igra nadaljuje; če pa ima nekdo še nižjo karto od igrane karte, vsi igralci odvržejo karte, ki so nižje od igrane karte, in kot ekipa izgubijo eno življenje. Nato se igra nadaljuje. Igralci zmagajo, če se jim uspe prebiti čez vse ravni igre.


Description from https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/244992/mind:

The deck contains cards numbered 1-100, and during the game you try to complete 12, 10, or 8 levels of play with 2, 3, or 4 players. In a level, each player receives a hand of cards equal to the number of the level: one card in level 1, two cards in level 2, etc. Collectively you must play these cards into the center of the table on a single discard pile in ascending order but you cannot communicate with one another in any way as to which cards you hold. You simply stare into one another's eyes, and when you feel the time is right, you play your lowest card. If no one holds a card lower than what you played, great, the game continues! If someone did, all players discard face up all cards lower than what you played, and you lose one life. Complete all the levels, and you win!

Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnIfCG2dga8



Mutirane pošasti, ogromni roboti, čudni vesoljci … vsi uničujejo Tokio in se tepejo med seboj, saj hočejo postati en in edini kralj Tokia. Le najbolj brutalen igralec bo zavzel Tokio in si prislužil dodatne točke, a se takrat ne bo mogel pozdraviti in se mora vsem ostalim pošastim zoperstavil sam! K vsemu temu dodajte še posebne energijske karte, ki imajo stalni ali začasni učinek, kot je na primer pojav še ene glave, ki igralcu omogoči uporabo dodate kocke, telesni ščit, energijski val »Nova Death Ray« in še več.

Da bi zmagali, morate uničiti Tokio ali pa premagati vse ostale pošasti.


Description from https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/70323/king-tokyo:

In King of Tokyo, you play mutant monsters, gigantic robots, and strange aliens—all of whom are destroying Tokyo and whacking each other in order to become the one and only King of Tokyo. The fiercest player will occupy Tokyo, and earn extra victory points, but that player can't heal and must face all the other monsters alone! Top this off with special cards purchased with energy that have a permanent or temporary effect, such as the growing of a second head which grants you an additional die, body armor, nova death ray, and more … In order to win the game, one must either destroy Tokyo by accumulating 20 victory points, or be the only surviving monster once the fighting has ended.

Tutorial: https://youtu.be/VOSgc0kEXnk



Na divjem zahodu se večna bitka med zakonom in razbojniki vedno bolj razvnema. Kar naenkrat nebo prekrijejo puščice – to je napad Indijancev! Ali ste dovolj drzni, da se boste lahko kosali z Indijanci? Ali imate dovolj poguma, da izzovete svojo usodo? Ali lahko izpostavite in premagate brezobzirne pištolarje?


Description from https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/143741/bang-dice-game:

In the U.S. wild west, the eternal battle between the law and the outlaws keeps heating up. Suddenly, a rain of arrows darken the sky: It's an Indian attack! Are you bold enough to keep up with the Indians? Do you have the courage to challenge your fate? Can you expose and defeat the ruthless gunmen around you?

Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyTqCnKmhyM



Hanabi – japonska beseda za ognjemet – je sodelovalna igra, v kateri dva do pet igralcev s polaganjem kart v pravilnem zaporedju poskuša ustvariti popoln ognjemet.


Description from https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/98778/hanabi:

Hanabi – named for the Japanese word for "fireworks" – is a cooperative game in which players try to create the perfect fireworks show by placing the cards on the table in the right order. (In Japanese, hanabi is written as 花火; these are the ideograms flower and fire, respectively.)

Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ8iwNjBW_s